What is the Cost of Using a Sports Center in Fairfax County?

Are you looking to use a sports center in Fairfax County? Whether you're looking to host a sporting event, practice, or just have some fun, it's important to know the cost of using a sports center in the area. Filing a permit application with all the necessary documentation and fees does not guarantee that you will receive the exact space you requested. However, listing several options in order of preference can help staff work with you to find the right space and time to meet your needs. As an expert in the field of sports centers, I can tell you that understanding the cost of using a sports center in Fairfax County is essential for planning any event or activity.

Depending on the type of event and length of time needed, there are different fees associated with using either school-owned or county-owned facilities.

Fairfax County Public Schools

The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) office is responsible for programming school-owned fields and gyms. If you are hosting a tournament or special event, there is a flat fee of $50 per hour. If you are looking to use the facility for practice or team activities, there is an hourly fee of $25 per hour.

Fairfax County Community and Community Services

The Fairfax County Community and Community Services office is responsible for programming county-owned fields and gyms. If you are hosting a tournament or special event, there is a flat fee of $75 per hour. If you are looking to use the facility for practice or team activities, there is an hourly fee of $35 per hour. It's important to note that these fees may vary depending on the type of event and length of time needed.

Additionally, there may be additional fees associated with using certain facilities such as lights or sound systems.


Knowing the cost of using a sports center in Fairfax County can help you plan your event or activity accordingly. However, listing several options in order of preference can help staff work with you to find the right space and time to meet your needs.